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Ai RoboForm Enterprise

Sunday, July 28, 20130 comments

For more info visit: http://www.roboform.com/

RoboForm is a powerful application that allows you to store and to manage login information, bookmarks and more useful items in a secure location. The application integrates as a toolbar in the most popular Internet browsers such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome and Opera.

The most used function of the program is to store website login information. You can add a new item by navigating to a website and entering the username and the password. The browser's toolbar detects the password field and prompts you to save the password and to store it in the database.

You can also use the program to store bookmarks and to access them from the toolbar. The program allows you to navigate to a bookmark by selecting it from the toolbar. When you save login information you can open the website and enter the password with just one click. It allows you to bypass the login process and to quickly access the website.

To allow the program to fill forms you need to create an identity that includes a wide variety of information from names or the cell number to bank account number or SSN. Nearly all information you might need to fill an Internet form can be stored in the program. If there is something that the developer missed, you can create your own custom fields.

The program can also save passwords from other applications such as Outlook or Windows Live Mail. If it is running the program detects the password fields and prompts you to save the information. Later you can open the application and enter the login information with just one click.

RoboForm includes a Contacts database that can be used to store important information that you want to protect from other users. This is a plus since not all the applications that deal with this type of details have the option to protect them with a password.

If you have a lot of passwords stored in the Internet browsers, the program includes the option to migrate the information. You can import data from other browsers but also from Windows Address Book and from CSV or TXT files.

The information that is stored in the program can only be accessed with the master password that you are prompted to set during the installation of the program. So you can be sure that no other computer user can access your private data.

A very useful feature of the program is to store your information online. This allows you to access the login information from any computer and even from mobile devices. For that you need a paid subscription to a RoboForm Everywhere account.

If you spend a lot of time on the Internet and regularly fill the same information on different websites, this program can help you save time and increase productivity.

Here are some key features of "RoboForm Enterprise":

· Memorizes your passwords and Logs You In automatically
· Fills long registration and checkout forms with one click
· Encrypts your passwords to achieve complete security
· Generates random passwords that hackers cannot guess
· Fights Phishing by filling passwords only on matching web sites
· Defeats Keyloggers by not using keyboard to type passwords
· Backs up your passwords, Copies them between computers
· Synchronizes passwords between computers using GoodSync
· Searches for keywords in your passwords, notes and Internet


* Firefox: Fix not working with Firefox ver 22.
* Firefox: fix RF AutoFill window in Firefox blinks on some sites.
* Chrome, AutoFill: fix AutoFill may appears even if there are no visible fields.
* Chrome: fix RF in Chrome cannot fetch SearchCards from SearchCard Place.
* Fix small form filler issues related to various sites.
* RoboForm Lite: fix server-based components.
* FillForms dialog: fix "Show Matching Passcard with the best URL match on top" not working.
* Win32: fix RF may crash Qt-based Scrivener.
* Sync: reduce connect/disconnect operations during Sync and MRU synchronization.
* Sync: Fix virtual keyboard does not close after switching to another window.
* Win32: Do not allow RF to show browser-like toolbar for Lexis Nexis Bridger Insight XG.
* Security changes for RF x64: Add DEP and ASLR to RoboForm.
* Editor, Dual Password: fix password can still be seen on dual password setup.
* Security: remove file smpenc.rfo, it is not longer used and cryptographically weak.
* PrintList: Re-add Print List to Logins / Identities / Safenotes menu on RF toolbar.

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