This will not fit on a 4.37GiB Single-Layer DVDR
Use a Dual-Layer DVDR or a USB Flash drive
Hotfixes included bring install current to July9-2013 patch date
Internet Exporer 10, Network Drivers and USB3 Support Added!!!
The USB3 drivers are not intended for VM support.
No Windows 7 Settings were harmed in the making of this ISO.
No Programs are added to Windows.
No Unattended Settings were added to the installation.
No Registry Settings were modified.
64-bit Sources:
X17-59465.iso (Digital River Retail Media Refresh Ult-SP1)
X17-59337.iso (Digital River Retail Media Refresh Pro-N-SP1)
en_windows_7_professional_with_sp1_vl_build_x64_dv d_u_677791.iso (MSDN)
en_windows_7_enterprise_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_677651. iso (MSDN)
en_windows_7_enterprise_n_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_67770 4.iso (MSDN)
32-bit Sources:
X17-59463.iso (Digital River Retail Media Refresh Ult-SP1)
X17-59335.iso (Digital River Retail Media Refresh Pro-N-SP1)
en_windows_7_professional_with_sp1_vl_build_x86_dv d_u_677896.iso (MSDN)
en_windows_7_enterprise_with_sp1_x86_dvd_u_677710. iso (MSDN)
en_windows_7_enterprise_n_with_sp1_x86_dvd_u_67770 3.iso (MSDN)
Media Refesh versions are SP1 versions with an ascii fix (KB2534111)
Installation Indexes:
Windows 7 Starter SP1 32-bit / Pre-Activated / OEM-Activated
Windows 7 Home Basic SP1 32-bit / Pre-Activated / OEM-Activated
Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 32-bit / Pre-Activated / OEM-Activated
Windows 7 Professional / N SP1 32-bit / Pre-Activated / OEM-Activated
Windows 7 Professional VL 32-bit / KMS-Activated
Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 32-bit / Pre-Activated / OEM-Activated
Windows 7 Enterprise / N SP1 32-bit / KMS-Activated
Windows 7 Home Basic SP1 64-bit / Pre-Activated / OEM-Activated
Windows 7 Home Premium SP1 64-bit / Pre-Activated / OEM-Activated
Windows 7 Professional / N SP1 64-bit / Pre-Activated / OEM-Activated
Windows 7 Professional VL 32-bit / KMS-Activated
Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64-bit / Pre-Activated / OEM-Activated
Windows 7 Enterprise / N SP1 64-bit / KMS-Activated
Indexes not listed as Activated do not activate with scripting.
Pre-Activated indexes use Windows Loader 2.2.1
OEM-Activated indexes use OEM Multi-Brand activation and WinLoader
KMS-Activated indexes use my v1 2.4.5 method from CODYQX4s KSS
Tools used:
Josh Cell Softwares AIO Maker 1.3 for source64 Windows Upgrade stuff
imagex for image compression, renaming, and export
dism for MSU KB hotfix integration and mounted file copy
oscdimg for ISO mastering
Added Info folder to Setup dir to annoy credit thieves.
oobe.cmd phase (OEM-Activated indexes only):
Copies OEM artwork branding stuff to system windows, startup/shutdown screens,
and creates a default Desktop background based on your systems motherboard
Will attempt to create activation bios entry
If fails activation, will pass to WinLoader
setupcomplete.cmd phase:
KB2533552 (online only update)
KMS Server Service creation and activation if KMS-Activated
Windows Loader and reboot if Pre-Activated or called by OEM-Activated
Recent Changes:
-Removed Net45 folder, MS Security Essentials redist folder,
DaRT8 and x64 boot.wim. (lack of seeder help)
All activated indexes allow updating and pass the
genuine check on Microsofts website.
Daz - Windows Loader 2.2.1
searchengine - oobe.cmd OEM Multi-Branding Activation project
CODYQX4 - KMS Server Service from MTK 2.4.5
murphy78 - Integration, KMS activation scripting, ISO design
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