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Mitchell OnDemand Full Package

Saturday, September 21, 20130 comments

Mitchell OnDemand Full Package | 88.9 GB

Information base on car repairs Mitchell On Demand5 contains descriptions of technology of repair and maintenance of vehicles, manual diagnostics, parts catalogs, wiring diagrams, bodywork, repair instructions manual and automatic transmissions. Mitchell On Demand5 is one of the best programs for auto repair and serves as an indispensable tool for service stations involved in servicing and repairing cars.

This is the latest version available for the 1st half of 2012, in the package with all the DVD database, installation CD and Portable version, and Mitchell Manager 5.9 (with update 1Q2012).

Description of the main sections of Mitchell On Demand5:
Daignosis and Repair - section on repair and diagnostics - the location identification data, the device features separate mechanisms, standards of various parameters (volume of gas tanks, wheel alignment, etc.) used diagnostic and repair equipment and special tools, the description of works on assembly, disassembly , adjustment, repair and diagnostic information about the location of components and mechanisms, etc. specifically for the diagnostician the following information: location of the diagnostic socket, detailed tables of the transcripts of fault codes indicating the possible causes, symptoms, and the consistency checks to fix the problem, description of content read blocks of current parameters with an indication of normative values, work with channel adaptation, etc. The information in the section is divided into blocks:

- All Diagnostic Trouble Codes (DTC)
- Relays and Modules
- Sensors and Switches
- Maintenance
- Engine, Cooling and Exhaust
- Powertrain Management
- Transmission and Drivetrain
- Brakes and Traction Control
- Starting and Charging
- Power and Ground Distribution
- Steering and Suspension
- Heating and Air Conditioning
- Restraint Systems
- Accessories and Optional Equipment
- Body and Frame
- Cruise Control
- Instrument Panel, Gausses and Warning Indicators
- Lighting and Horns
- Windows and Glass
- Wiper and Washer Systems

Parts and Labour - in this section you can get the original spare parts numbers, illustrations and prices of spare parts in USD. This section also provides information on the bodywork. You can quickly make a calculation of all types of work for any car.
Popular Information - The most important information presented in the program.
Diagnostic Trouble Codes DTC - Diagnostic Trouble Codes malfunction of (causes decoding errors and instructions for their removal).
Technical Service Bulletins - Technical bulletins serisnye.
Specifications - Specifications (electrical, mechanical, gas volumes and types of liquids, etc.).
Locations - location of the components (fuses, relays, control units, switches, sensors, solenoids, motors, etc.).
Diagrams - diagnostic information and instructions on ustaraneniyu faults, wiring diagrams, layout of connectors and their pinouts, vacuum diagrams, types of wiring harnesses, and their location, etc.
Service Precautions - Safety Instructions.
Technician Safety Information - Technical Information on safety.
Vehicle Damage Warnings - Information on safety when performing any types of work (eg work with airbags AirBag).
Vehicle Identification - Location identification tablets car.
Tools and Equipment - Instruments and necessary diagnostic equipment.
System Diagnosis
Five-Step Troubleshooting
Troubleshooting Precautions
Troubleshooting Tests
General Troubleshooting
Power Relay Test

List of car models to drive Mitchell OnDemand 1/2012:
Repair 1 (Domestic): 1983-2012 - AMC, Eagle, Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep and Plymouth
Repair 2 (Domestic): 1983-2003 - Ford
Repair 3 (Domestic): 2004-2012 - Ford
Repair 4 (Domestic): 1983-2002 - GM
Repair 5 (Import): 2003-2012 - GM
Repair 6 (Import): 1983-2012 - BMW, Mini,Fiat, Renult, Sterling & Porsche
Repair 7 (Import): 1983-2012 - Audi, Volkswagen, Saab & Mercedes-Benz
Repair 8 (Import): 1983-2012 - Acura, Datsun, Honda, Infiniti & Nissan
Repair 9 (Import): 1983-2012 - Alfa Romeo,Jaguar, Land Rover, Merkur
Repair 10 (Import): 1983-2012 - Peugeot, Volvo, Yugo, Daewoo, Daihatsu, Kia, Mazda
Repair 11 (Import): 1983-2003 - Hyundai, Isuzu
Repair 12 (Import): 2003-2012 - Hyundai, Isuzu
Repair 13 (Import): 1983-2012 - Suzuki & Subaru

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